finPOWER Connect

Developed for the Finance Lending and Investment Industries to manage

loan and deposit life cycles in their entirety

  • finPOWER Connect client screen mbsl

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finPOWER Connect is Australasia's leading software package designed specifically for the demanding finance industry.

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finPOWER Connect is developed to fit a wide range of lending environments. 

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What you need to run
finPOWER Connect

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 Simple & Powerful

Numerous options allow finPOWER Connect to work the way you do and reflect your unique lending business

Advanced Credit Control

The need to control credit rather than chasing debt is a fundamental requirement for all financial institutions.  finPOWER Connect not only has a positive impact on cash flows and margins, it  assists Credit Controllers to harness positive relationships inside and outside of the business, and  enhances customer perceptions of the credit process.

Client Relationships

When a client contacts you for whatever reason, you need to make sure you have all their information at your finger tips. finPOWER Connect has a comprehensive client file that easily and clearly lays out everything you need to know about your client. This includes all their contact details, photos, their relationships including other family members, their Advisors such as their Accountant and Banker, easy access to all their Accounts and security items and all their transactions.

External Interfaces

You do not exist in the finance world alone. Daily, you will directly interface with third party information providers such as Credit Reference Agencies, Banks and Security Registers. finPOWER Connect has a wide array of interfaces to these third parties that allow information to be exchanged electronically - cheaper, more accurately and much faster than any manual process!

Industry Standard Architecture

finPOWER Connect is developed using the latest development tools and using industry standard architecture. This benefits you going forward knowing that your system will be relevant for years to come, and you will not be left with a out of date or unsupported system. finPOWER Connect can utilise a number of different database platforms meaning it can most likely fit within your existing IT infrastructure without the need for expensive new database licences.

Audit and Control

Essential in any credible system is knowing what happened, when and by whom.  Having an audit trail is not only necessary for accuracy and internal control, it is also a key management tool. finPOWER Connect prides itself on logging a host of activities that can occur in the system and stamping each transaction with Date, Time and User details. It also provides a full audit trail of interest calculations and methods.

Custom Solutions

As part of the architecture of finPOWER Connect, the Business Layer API provides a gateway to the database to access the data in a controlled and managed manner. This can include Websites, custom Loan application systems or even you own in-house developed reporting toolkit - all can access your important data while maintaining the safety and integrity of your database.

Flexibility and Functionality

Whether you are looking to configure a unique lending product, a unique business model or a more conventional system, finPOWER Connect can assist you. There are numerous options that allow you to expand or contract the data set captured, alter the look and feel of Accounts and Clients, define your own fields and much more.

Legislative Compliance

The finance industry faces a raft of legislation you must comply with, so finPOWER Connect is designed in such a way as to provide you with an essential tool in your compliance efforts. Industry standard documentation is provided for your modification and use, prescribed forms and processes are incorporated in the system as are interest calculation engines that reflect current legislation.

Current Software Versions

System Current Version Release Date Next Release Date*
finPOWER Connect 4.01.03 05/12/2024 01/04/2025
finPOWER Connect Cloud 4.01.03 05/12/2024 01/04/2025
Web Services 4.01.03 05/12/2024 01/04/2025
* Guide only
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